JACIL Connections forAugust 2020
Article 1:
JACIL continues voter registration efforts
by Colton Pettyjohn
The world as we know it is not what we thought we were going to be
dealing with when we rang in the new year, right? With everything thing going
on during this pandemic life can be very uncertain. We may feel like life is so
unpredictable and that we do not have a say in what is going on.
Well, there are two events that can change the course of history. This
year is election year. We all have the civil duty to cast our votes as
citizens. It is in these elections where the people we vote for aAnd support,
make the decisions that impact the way we live our lives.
One important thing that you need to do before you go to the polls is
you've got to register in your county. Without registering you cannot cast that
very important vote.
If you are not registered to vote, it's your lucky day. JACIL will be
holding a drive through voter registration on September 14 from 9:00am-12:00
p.m. An American Sign Language interpreter will be provided from 10:00am-12:00
All you need to bring is your photo ID and another form of
identification. We ask that you wear a mask during this interaction as well. We
encourage everyone who is registered to vote to get registered so you can make
a change in the country you wish to see.
The second event that is happening this year is the Census. The Census
happens every ten years and it counts the number of people in each household.
This number is super important to the federal government because it quantifies
how many people are in each area. Then the federal government allocates each
state money for schools and service organizations and it also determines how
many representatives we have for the state.
It is super important to complete the Census and, due to COVID-19, the
deadline to complete this important document is extended until September 31.
We will have a set up on the same day to help fill out the Census if
you need assistance. We will also have a volunteer from the Faith Coalition for
the Common Good to give out information and free census swag. If you do not
have the card we can fill your census application out online or via the phone
as well.
If you have any questions please contact Colton Pettyjohn at (217)
245-8371 or by email at colton@jacil.org
Article 2:
The world as we know it is not what we thought we were going to be
dealing with when we rang in the new year, right? With everything thing going
on during this pandemic life can be very uncertain. We may feel like life is so
unpredictable and that we do not have a say in what is going on.
Well, there are two events that can change the course of history. This
year is election year. We all have the civil duty to cast our votes as
citizens. It is in these elections where the people we vote and support, make
the decisions that impact the way we live our lives.
One important thing that you need to do before you go to the polls is
you've got to register in your county. Without registering you cannot cast that
very important vote.
If you are not registered to vote, it's your lucky day. JACIL will be
holding a drive through voter registration on August 4 from 12:00-3:00 p.m. An
American Sign Language interpreter will be provided from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
All you need to bring is your photo ID and another form of
identification. We ask that you wear a mask during this interaction as well. We
encourage everyone who is not registered to vote to come on out and get
registered, so you can make a change in the country you wish to see.
The second event that is happening this year is the Census. The Census
happens every ten years and it counts the number of people in each household.
This number is super important to the federal government because it quantifies
how many people are in each area. Then the federal government allocates each
state money for schools and service organizations and it also determines how
many representatives we have for the state.
It is super important to complete the Census and, due to COVID-19, the
deadline to complete this important document is extended until October 31.
We will have a set up on the same day as the voter registration day to
help fill out the Census if you need assistance. All you need to bring is the
card you received from the Census and we can do it online. If you do not have
the card we can fill your census application out online or via the phone as
If you have any questions please contact Colton Pettyjohn at
217-245-8371 or by email at colton@jacil.org.
Article 3:
Kandi Horrer joins JACIL staff
by Kandi Horrer
I am a mother of three, step mother of four and a grandmother of
25! My sweet husband, Kerry, and I
blended our family 25 years ago. He is from the Jacksonville area and I grew up
in Virginia Ill.
We spent 15 years in Wisconsin and returned home six years ago to help
with ailing family members.
I have spent over 30 years in the Health Care arena. Nursing homes,
hospital surgery, and home health and terminal home health. The last three
years I have been working at ISVI as a job coach. Lucky for me,
I Job coached the students that came to JACIL… and the rest is history!!
I enjoy working with children in our primary program at church. We like
to go out to the lake as much as possible and camp, boat and cookout with
family. For relaxation, I work in my flower garden, listen to calming music,
defuse essential oils and meditate.
I was born with dysplasia of the hips and knees. I have had five major
joint surgeries. I experience pain daily but you can't keep this gal down!
The good Lord has blessed me with a strong desire to serve and that is what I do to counter act the
I am looking forward to working in JACIL’s BBS department and helping
our consumers any way I can.l Call
Kandy for low/vision needs and meet !
Article 4:
JACIL helps collect school supplies for the Lions Club
by Peggy Davidsmeyer
JACIL helped "Stuff the Bus" for the Lions Club’s recent
service project.
JACIL and the Lion's Club have a special bond. Several of JACIL staff are Lion's Club
members and the Club has supported our many fund raising events and more
recently, the Special Needs Pantry deliveries. JACIL staff wanted to return the favor so
it participated in this collection effort.
JACIL staff Lisa Viles and Colton Pettyjohn built a School Bus Box, placed it on the JACIL front porch July 31 - August 12 and collected a busload of supplies.
These supplies are provided annually each fall to children in our region at no cost.
Article 5:
KIP Café will focus on the use of face masks
by Cyndy Benton
JACIL will hold its next KIP Café on August 27 from 5:30 until 7:00
p.m., at JACIL. Notice the change in
time it is being held. We are trying an evening KIP Café to see if it is a
better time for those interested in attending KIP Cafés.
Those attending will be eating their meals out back under the shade
trees. Please bring a lawn chair or
blanket to sit on while eating your meal. We will be practicing social
distancing while eating and all food served that evening will be
The presentation and corresponding activity will be done inside JACIL's
building. Masks are required to be worn
when inside JACIL; therefore, please bring a mask to wear.
As Illinois progresses into Phase 4 of Restore Illinois, the
presentation will cover the why, when and how of wearing face masks that
complies with "Restore Illinois Phase 4 Revitalization Plan" and the
Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.
The speaker that day will be Ms. Jacquie Barringer from Morgan County
Health Department. After her
presentation those in attendance will have the opportunity to make and/or
decorate a couple masks to take with them for their personal use.
Those interested in attending must register to attend no later than 5:00
p.m. on August 24. You can register to
attend by calling Cyndy at JACIL (217-245-8371).
An ASL Interpreter will be present at this KIP Café. Anyone wanting any printed resources in
alternate format that might be handed out at the KIP Cafe needs to contact
Cyndy at JACIL, no later than 5:00 p.m., on August 24 to let her know that you
want alternate format of printed resources and your preferred format.
JACIL looks forward to seeing you at the August 27 KIP Café.
Article 6:
Ask Kathy
by Kathy Price
Each issue Kathy will answer your questions about anything--from
household hints to the price of tea in China.
Please e-mail your question to her at kathy@jacil.org.
This Month’s Question: I
usually send my hand-washed sweaters to the dry cleaners but our only local
facility just closed its doors. What can
I do to care for my cashmere?
Kathy says: Hand wash your sweater, lay it out between two bath towels,
press all the moisture out with a rolling pin and then hang it up to dry. You’ll have a nice, clean sweater and have
saved enough money to buy a gallon of gas!
Article 5:
Utility tips
by Scott Allen, Citizens Utility Board
In March, when the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) imposed a
moratorium on utility shutoffs and late payment fees, the protections were
temporary with the intent to negotiate a longer-term plan for the recovery
period. Over two months, consumer
advocates, including CUB, negotiated with investor-owned utilities to introduce
new consumer protections that were approved by the ICC in June.
The formal agreement is lengthy, and contains several provisions meant
to assist consumers struggling to get on their feet. Additionally, utilities agreed to continue
discussions on how to make service more affordable in the future.
It's important to remember that these protections only affect
investor-owned utilities; Ameren, Illinois American Water, Aqua Illinois,
etc. For a detailed look at the
protections, CUB has written a fact sheet which is available at the website
CitizensUtilityBoard.org. Here's a summary of the protections:
l Extension of the moratorium on
shut-offs and late fee.
l A bill-payment assistance
program for eligible customers.
l For six months after the
moratorium ends, utilities are required to offer more consumer-friendly payment
arrangements for people in debt with their utilities.
l For six months after the
moratorium ends, utilities will not report late payments and nonpayment for
active customers to credit bureaus and reporting agencies.
If you have questions about these protections, please feel to call CUB
at 1(800)-669-5556, or file an inquiry online at CitizensUtilityBoard.org.
Article 8:
Introducing: Eddie!
by Peggy Davidsmeyer
Introducing "Eddie", he is JACIL’s new fox super hero.
During this COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis, JACIL staff, in my opinion, have
been super heroes! Whether working from
home or in the office in staggered shifts, JACIL staff have delivered. Over 179 Information and Referral Calls and
85 individualized services, 315 Care Packages and countless hours of shopping,
stuffing, packaging and delivering were completed by JACIL staff from March -
At our July staff meeting, I declared them all super heroes and introduced
them to our mascot, Eddie. The mascot
was chosen by JACIL staff and named by Colton.
Eddie was named for Ed Roberts, considered by many to be the father of
the Independent Living Movement. Mr.
Roberts was a tenacious and committed advocate for persons with disabilities.
Eddie, our mascot, like his namesake, represents JACIL as a clever,
cunning and quick to action super hero.
In the coming months, we will have Eddie visit offices and be a part of
our activities here at JACIL. Watch for
him to show up in pictures, in videos, Facebook and anywhere are staff may be.
The following schedule is subject to local and state regulations
concerning the Coronavirus efforts.
These events will NOT take place until restrictions have been lifted by
state/local authorities.
August Calendar of Events
Tue 4 Voter
Registration Drive - 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.
ASL interpreter
will be present from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Wed 5 Friends
Helping Friends Action Club - 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.
Wed 19 BBS Combined Support Group tele-conference call
for VisAbility,
Cass & Mason Support Groups
10:30 a.m. to
Wed 19 People First Aktion Club -
3:30 to 5:00 p.m
Wed 26 Personal Assistant Orientation - 9:30 a.m. to noon
Via Zoom from
JACIL Office
Contact danielle@jacil.org for a link to attend
Thu 27 KIP Café - 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Program: Guidelines for Mask Use & Make &
Decorate a Mask
Presenter: Jacquie Barringer
Morgan County Health Department
Connections” is published by the Jacksonville Area Center for Independent
Living. JACIL is organized to serve
people with disabilities in Morgan, Scott, Cass and Mason Counties. JACIL is committed to enabling people with
disabilities to gain control and direction of their lives in the home,
workplace and community. JACIL’s goal is
to stimulate and promote a growing sense of personal dignity through
individualized services designed to provide the tools necessary for maximum
independence and community participation.
We invite your comments and suggestions.
Roger Deem
- JACIL Connections Editor
JACIL is a Prairieland United Way Agency and a proud member of the
Jacksonville Area Chamber of Commerce.
Jacksonville Area Center for Independent Living
15 Permac Road, Jacksonville, IL 62650
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8
a.m. to 5 p.m.
217-245-8371 Voice/TTY l 217-245-1872 Fax l
888-317-3287 Toll Free
217-408-0567 Deaf Advocate’s Toll Free Videophone Line
E-mail: info@jacil.org l
Website: www.jacil.org